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Welcome to StageZero!

Automated UI testing made easy. Use your favourite framework with next to no setup!

Supported WebDrivers

Use StageZero with any of the listed WebDrivers.

WebDriver not there?

StageZero is completely open-source, so if you want to add support for another WebDriver you can contribute here.


Want to cut straight to the chase? Here are some of the main reasons to start using StageZero.

Heightened focus

StageZero is all about focusing on what matters, your tests! Focus on test creation, rather than writing and maintaining logic to steer the browser.

Write tests once

Build your tests with confidence. You can migrate to and from an integration of your choosing with ease. We don’t punish you for changing WebDriver technology.*

Minimal setup

Register your desired integration with our DriverBuilder and away you go. No more creating or maintaining separate framework code.

Streamlined interactions

It’s never been easier to interact with elements. Execute a variety of actions with the call of a method.

Simple configuration

Control any desired WebDriver behaviours (e.g. headless mode) with our DriverOptions configuration. We handle the rest.

Rock solid

All supported integrations are built with stability and parallelism in mind. Feel comfortable knowing you’re on strong foundations.

* Whilst we strive to make your developer experience seamless, at times you may have to incur breaking changes from the StageZero framework, resulting in code changes.